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85 hours of AK!

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1 year access to PAK modules
Lifetime access to our PAK modules

Online Professional Applied Kinesiology certification (PAK)

Course extract: Module 4 - Pronator Teres Syndrome


Whether you are just starting your Applied Kinesiology (AK) training or want to refresh and deepen your understanding of AK, these modules are for you!

Learn the official Professional Applied Kinesiology material in a structured way to optimize your clinical results.
Receive 85 hours of ICAK credits*

These courses will allow you to follow the practical modules and take the theoretical and practical exams of the PAK* Certification.

You will be contacted when practical modules are planned. The price of the practical modules is not included in the price of the online PAK certification.  

Learn Applied Kinesiology at your own pace, from the comfort of your home!

Preparatory module: 
Applied Kinesiology Introduction
- Muscle tests
- AK basic concepts
- AK therapeutic tools

4 Complete Modules - See below for details


See the preview of the course content - Preparatory module and the 4 modules


-Spinal evaluation
-Pelvic evaluation
-Diaphragm and core evaluation
-How to reset the memory of trauma. (Injury Recall Technique)
-The impact of stress on neuromusculoskeletal 


-Extremity evaluation and conditions
-Arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI)
-Sprain / strain injuries
-Compaction injuries
-Lower extremities with complete nerve entrapment evaluation 
-Nutritional management for acute vs chronic injuries 
-How the gut influences neuromusculoskeletal conditions 


- Cranial and TMJ evaluation and treatment 
- Neurologic disorganization 
- Lymphatic system
- Aerobic and anaerobic evaluation


- Acupuncture meridian evaluation with Manual Muscle Testing (MMT)
- Neuroendocrine (pineal and pituitary) impact on neuromusculoskeletal conditions
- Upper extremity  with complete nerve entrapment evaluation and treatment

4 modules + Preparatory Module



20 hours per module
Can ask questions directly on the course platform
2 camera angles to optimize learning
High Definition (HD) video quality and professional audio quality
Demonstrations for each concept
Detailed notes and high quality anatomical pictures


AK Introduction 
Demonstrations of all muscle tests
Explanation and demonstration of several evaluation and therapeutic concepts

A duo of passionate chiropractors dedicated to your learnings 


Dr Héroux is a chiropractor
for 21 years
Has been teaching AK since 2006
Has trained nearly a thousand professionals worldwide
Helped train over 20 DIBAKs
Dr. Heroux had the opportunity to learn AK with great professionals such as: Goodheart, Leaf, Schmitt, Blaich, Diamond, Francis, Rakowski, Keen and Charles.

Dr. Rancourt received his DIBAK in 2018. He designed this online platform and is behind the Livestream modules! He brings an exclusive learning experience to the participants through his very pedagogical way of teaching.

Get a FREE 1 week access to
85 hours of AK!

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I want more than a one week access! 
Here's some nice offers for you! 

1 year access to PAK modules
Lifetime access to our PAK modules